Path:!milw From: (Milw Hierarchy Administrator) Newsgroups: news.admin.hierarchies,milw.general Subject: milw.* administrative changes announcement Date: Wed, 04 Nov 1998 00:00:00 -0600 19981030 - milw.* Announcement - For Public Release By consensus among the Milwaukee regional Usenet news providers, a charter for the Milwaukee Usenet news hierarchy is being created and implemented, along with appropriate support infrastructure. In recent years, the utility of the milw.* newsgroups has become questionable, as the group has been turned into a flamewar staging area and battleground, a forum for personal political vendettas of no general interest, and general crosspost dumping grounds. The presence of disruptive elements in the milw.* hierarchy appears to have driven participation levels down, and the signal-to-noise ratio is now very low. Despite the immense number of new users who have gained access to the Usenet via the Internet's explosive popularity, legitimate traffic in milw.* is down substantially over past years. The purpose of a regional hierarchy is for the discussion of items of specific local relevance to a specific geographic area. If an item does not have any particular local relevance, there is almost certainly a much more appropriate non-regional newsgroup in which such a topic should be discussed. If you have such a topic to discuss, you are more than welcome to discuss it - but not here! An example of a topic that has specific local relevance: any of the numerous issues relating to the new Miller Park stadium. An example of a topic that does not have specific local relevance: discussion of President Clinton's involvement with Monica Lewinsky (unless they were at the Milwaukee Hilton during the time in question). Specifics will be available in the charter for each milw.* newsgroup. Thank you for your attention. Your Milwaukee Metropolitan Usenet News Administrators